Overall winner
Volvo |
AutomotiveVolvo |
BanksRegio Bank |
Energy SuppliersGreenchoice |
Grid OperatorsRendo |
Univé Verzekeringen |
Health Insurances
DSW Zorgverzekeraar |
Internet Providers
Mobile ProvidersSimyo |
Offline retailHEMA |
Online retailCoolblue |
Public transportKLM |
D-reizen |
The Award Show
The award show will reveal insights into which companies are the most customer-centric. During the award show winners will share how they achieve success in customer centricity.
This award show is a great opportunity to be inspired and to network with other industry professionals.
The Research
Once again, Novio Research is the trusted business partner to measure how Customer Centricity is perceived from both the consumer as well as employee perspective. The research will be conducted with over 11.000 participants, rating over 100 companies active in a selected number of industries in the Netherlands.
The CCDNA research does not only include the performance of the involved organizations, but also measures the strength of the brand. By using Novio Research’ validated method of storytelling, the research uses real experiences directly written by customers. As a result, the research provides thorough insights regarding the market position of the involved organizations and their direct and indirect competitors.
Interested in this research? Go to the website of Novio Research to learn more about the research and options for additional in-depth insights.
For Who
For industry professionals who are eager to learn about their performance with regard to customer centricity, and who want to further embed this within their organization.
For customer obsessed professionals that can have an impact on their organization in customer management.
Get inspired by the accomplishments of others. CCDNA will advise you where to set the bar for your organization!
CCDNA winners take pride in putting customers first and being recognised by CCDNA

BMW thanks their dealers
BMW press release about their victory in the automobile industry and the CCDNA celebration cake sent to their dealers.

Hema offers a special CCDNA discount
Hema celebrated their award by offering their clients a special discount on their next order.
Next to our winners, various press also acknowledged the relevance of the CCDNA scores and published about this. You can read more on Marketing Tribune, Marketing Online, Customer First, Sprout and in 67 other (branche-specific) media.
- Banks
- Insurances
- Health Insurances
- Offline Retail
- Online Retail
- Mobile Providers
- Internet Providers
- Public Transport
- Leisure
- Energy Suppliers
- Grid Operators
- Automotive
previous attendees
Winner “Online Retail” 2013
“Voor geldt er maar één maatstaf van succes en dat is de keuze van onze klanten. Het winnen van de Customer Centric DNA Award 2013 is dan een aangename aansporing om iedere dag te blijven verbeteren om onze Nederlandse en Belgische klanten te blijven verrassen.”
4x winner “Automotive”
“Bij Toyota staan onze huidige- en toekomstige klanten in ons denken en handelen centraal. De Customer Centric DNA Award geeft hiervan een mooie afspiegeling weer van waar we staan, en vooral wat we kunnen verbeteren. Want verbeteren kunnen we altijd. Toyota, Always a better way!”
3x winner “Insurance”
“We zijn trots dat we weer genomineerd zijn voor meest klantgerichte verzekeraar! Al 2 jaar op rij wonnen we deze mooie aanmoediging om de dienstverlening aan de klant op nummer 1 te zetten. We zijn nu extra blij omdat we het afgelopen jaar veel veranderingen hebben doorgemaakt en we extra hard hebben moeten werken om weer op het oude niveau terug te komen.“
4x winner “Internet Provider”
“We zijn met z’n allen voor de klant aan het werk. Natuurlijk, dat geldt voor elk bedrijf. Maar wat het echt maakt, wat ons boven de rest uit tilt, is het feit dat onze medewerkers zó trots zijn om XS4ALL’ers te zijn dat de motivatie om klanten uitstekend te helpen, uit henzelf komt. De Award voelt voor hen dan ook als een persoonlijk compliment!“
AutomotiveBMW |
BanksRegio Bank |
Energy SuppliersGreenchoice |
Grid OperatorsEnduris |
InsurancesCentraal Beheer Achmea |
Health Insurances (NEW!)ONVZ Zorgverzekeraar |
Internet ProvidersXS4ALL |
Mobile ProvidersSimyo |
Offline retailHEMA |
Online retailCoolblue |
Public transportKLM |
Leisure (NEW!)D-reizen |
Winnaar “Klant als Partner” Thema awardRegio Bank |
AutomotiveToyota |
BanksTriodos Bank |
Energy SuppliersGreenchoice |
Grid Operators (NEW!)Delta |
InsuranceDitzo |
Internet ProvidersXS4ALL |
Mobile ProvidersSimyo |
Newspapers (NEW!)Trouw |
Offline retailBlokker |
Online retailCoolblue |
Travel (NEW!)Corendon |
AutomotiveToyota |
BanksTriodos Bank |
Energy SuppliersDelta |
InsuranceDitzo |
Internet ProvidersXS4ALL |
Mobile ProvidersKPN |
Offline retailHema |
Online |
AutomotiveToyota |
BanksTriodos Bank |
Energy SuppliersGreenchoice |
InsuranceDitzo |
Internet ProvidersXS4ALL |
Mobile ProvidersHi & Vodafone |
Offline retailIKEA |
Online retailH&M |
About BearingPoint
BearingPoint is a leading European management and technology consulting company serving commercial, financial and public services clients. Our more than 3,500 passionate, experienced consultants help organizations solve their most pressing challenges, day in and day out.
We help our clients get practical, sustainable, measurable results, make the right strategic decisions and implement the right solutions.
About Novio Research
Novio Research is part of the DVJ Research Group. The mission from Novio Research is to make market research easier. We offer intelligent standard solutions, access to all audiences, and support you in all phases of the research process.
Clients work directly with experienced, and well-educated researchers to make any project effortless. Our quick turnaround, intelligent solutions and affordable pricing structure are differentiating and a reason why so many clients work with us.
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